Five ways to welcome wildlife into your garden
The UK is home to a variety of gardens, from perfectly manicured hedges and lawns to controlled chaos and concrete jungles. All gardens can attract wildlife by ensuring they have shelter and food. Follow our top tips on creating an outdoor space which thrives with wildlife season after season.
1. Blooming florals
Not only do flowers make your garden look bold and bright, but they are also a source of food for many creatures. Butterflies and bees are attracted to high-pollen flowers and the nectar provides food for birds and bats. It’s important to choose plants which provide pollen and nectar for as long as possible throughout the season such as Foxgloves and Heather.
To maintain and care for flowers during spring and summer, why not consider installing a new Irrigatia system to save you valuable time and water in the warmer months? Our C12 systems and C24 L series systems are ideal for smaller beds and groups of pots, whilst our Tank Series can serve much larger garden areas and allotments.
2. Trees, shrubs, and more trees
It may seem obvious but large plants such as shrubs and tall trees are great hosts for wildlife. They provide shelter and ideal nesting sites, which may see some animals such as birds returning yearly in breeding season. Trees which flower and provide fruits or seeds will also feed birds and other animals, whilst providing a useful crop in the garden, such as a Crab Apple.

3. Controlled Chaos
If you love a manicured lawn, but want to see more wildlife in your garden, reserve a patch of grass or an area of the garden which can be left to let nature take its course. Throwing wildflower seeds into a corner or letting the grass grow longer will provide a breeding ground for insects which, in turn, will attract birds and hedgehogs as they have something to feast on.
4. Compost
There are many benefits to composting. It’s a cheap and easy way to create healthy soil packed with useful organic matter. Not only is this a sustainable way to reuse food and garden waste, but the heaps also create shelter, food and warmth for worms, toads, hedgehogs and birds. However, to avoid rats and rodents, don’t add cooked foods like meat or fish, and avoid fats such as cheese.
5. Just add water
It doesn’t matter what size garden you have, adding water will attract some form of wildlife. If you have space, a full-sized pond is perfect for animals to drink out of and amphibians to breed. You may even want to incorporate plants within the pond to attract insects. If space is a little bit tight or you simply don’t want a pond, a dish of water can be enough to attract animals, especially in extreme heat when they need a drink.
Take a look at our latest blogs for more gardening tips and ways to save time and water this spring and summer.
Remember to follow our social media channels to keep up to date with our latest growing journeys in the Irrigatia garden!