Top 5 tips to kickstart your garden this New Year
Is your New Year’s resolution to transform your garden? Are you unsure where to start? Whether you’re starting from scratch or restoring your current garden, here are our top 5 tips to kickstart your 2020 garden transformation:
1. Have a tidy up
Start by removing all weeds from borders and your greenhouse, as these weeds can harbour pests and diseases which can ruin your garden, and prune back overgrown shrubs and boarders – it can help you regain control of your garden and will allow you to better see the structure of the space you’re working with, so you can plan what you want to plant.
And don’t forget, a simple mow of the lawn can instantly transform your garden too!
2. Make sure to check for unwanted guests
A dark, damp and overgrown garden is a perfect haven for some unwanted garden pests and can help disease form and spread throughout your plants. Make sure you have a thorough check of your plants so that you can identify and remove affected plants, to stop the spread and to make room for healthy and new plants.
3. Improve your soil
Many people often overlook soil as part of their gardening routing, but plants need good soil conditions in order to thrive. Digging and forking through soil allows you to loosen any compaction, providing welcome aeration, and makes it easier to remove weeds and spot pests. Consider working some compost or organic matter through the soil as a fertilizer – George recommends a two to three-inch layer being added to any beds.

4. Work with what you’ve got, and don’t get overwhelmed
Just because it is the New Year, don’t feel the pressure to buy brand new plants and furniture for your garden, and don’t doubt yourself and look to a professional gardener for help - you can do it yourself! Make a garden checklist to help you prioritise what you want to get from your garden, and what jobs need to be done, and you’ll feel peace of mind knowing you’ve got an action plan in place.
5. Think eco!
Looking after our environment has never been more important, so make why not make a conscious effort at home? Re-use and recycle old pots and household items wherever you can – check out our blog on the best ways to create a more eco-friendly garden – and there’s no time like the present to invest in a water butt to feed an Irrigatia system, saving water and energy.

And finally, don’t worry about messing it up. Gardening is a constant exploration, remember to experiment and have fun with it!