How to water plants when on holiday
Ensuring your plants are well looked after throughout the year is a rewarding task to dedicate yourself to. But sometimes we need to take time away from our beloved gardens for holidays and breaks. Then, we want to be sure these plants will still be healthy and thriving when we return.
Find out some of the key tips and tricks for your plants. By using them, your plants will be as healthy as when you left them before a holiday.
Water plants before going on holiday
The simplest method you can do is to give your plants a good soaking of water before a holiday. This is certainly a suitable route to go down if you aren’t going away for long, depending on the weather. You may also want to consider the plants that you have, and what their requirements are. For example, Agapanthus being natives of Africa, tend to be particularly drought tolerant for several weeks. Therefore, they can certainly cope with a few days without water.
So, make sure you double-check the forecast before your holiday, and water your plants accordingly, considering their general watering needs. Or perhaps combine this method with one of the alternatives below.
Water globes
Water globes simply need to be filled with water and inserted into the soil around the roots of your plant. Then, they will slowly release water. These can look after your plants for days when on holiday, depending on the size of the water globe. This can work for plants in containers, window boxes, houseplants, hanging baskets, and even bedding plants!
Plus, you don’t need to spend any money for the same effect if you would prefer not to. There is an easy hack you can use with old plastic bottles. First, make sure your bottle is empty, pierce some small holes into the bottom, and some around the sides. Bury the water bottle into the soil, fill with them with water, and screw the cap back into place. The cap can then be tightened and loosened to control the flow of water. Depending on the size of the bottle, and your plants’ requirements, this can be a very effective method to use.

Prepare a water wick before your holiday
Another fun crafting task which you can complete with items you probably already have at home is the water wick. Similarly to a drip irrigation system, all you need is something for the water to travel through, and a water reservoir. This is particularly ideal for container plants whilst on holiday.
All you need is some twine, plastic tubing, or inch-wide strips of cotton material, and a plastic bottle or other reservoir of water. Place one end of your wick into your water, and the other into the soil of your plant. Your wick will naturally draw water up and through to the soil of your plant. Just ensure your bottle is out of direct sunlight. Otherwise, the water will evaporate more quickly than it can be absorbed by your container plants.

Bath plants before your holiday
Giving your plants a bath may seem an unexpected method but is sure to keep them hydrated. Make sure your plants are in containers which have holes in the bottom for drainage. Then, place them in a bath, shower, or sink (depending on the size of your plants and their containers).
Fill the bottom of your bath with water. The plants will draw it up through their roots from the bottoms of their containers. You could fill this reservoir of water as high as is practical. Just consider the number of plants, size of plants and containers, and how long you will be on holiday.

Irrigatia's Automatic Drip-Irrigation Systems
But by far, the best method is a drip irrigation unit, such as Irrigatia’s kits. These are a very worthwhile investment. And they’re one of the most reliable and worry-free methods to keep your plants watered for extended periods. Provided you have a water source available, such as water butts filled with beneficial rainwater, your plants can be happy and healthy for a couple of holiday weeks.
Irrigatia kits use the power of the sun, so no fear about leaving on the mains whilst you’re on holiday. And they automatically draw water from their water source. They’re completely automatic and rely on nature’s resources to ensure your plants have the right amount of water to stay healthy. The Irrigatia SOL-C12 kit can look after up to 12 individual plants, whilst the Irrigatia SOL-C24 can care for 24. Simply choose the right kit to ensure your garden is maintained and leave it to care for them whilst you enjoy your holiday.

So, take the worry out of going on holiday, and choose one of these great tips for keeping your plants watered whilst you are away. And with Irrigatia kits, take the task of watering out of your hands virtually permanently.