Autumn Gardening Tips

Guide to Fresh Fruit Preservation

11th August 2023

Our Top 5 Fruit (and Veg!) Preservation Tips

1. Freezing

2. Make into jam

Jar of fresh strawberry jam.

3. Dehydrating or drying

4. Pickling

5. Canning

Five jars of different pickled vegetables.

Benefits of preserving homegrown fruit

  • Your harvest will last you through the colder months
  • Growing your own fruit and veg is a great way to keep yourself in fresh produce throughout autumn and winter, meaning you can keep benefitting from key vitamins and minerals even when it’s cold out!
  • You can save money on shop-bought produce
  • With the cost-of-living crisis in full swing, growing and preserving fruit and veg is a great way to save some money, particularly on the more artisan produce like fresh jams, or combine a range of frozen fruits into easy and healthy smoothie portions.
  • Make healthy snacks for your children (and yourself!)
  • Generally, the fewer ingredients in a snack, the better it is for your body. Keep it fun by blending up some fruit and freezing into an ice lolly, or dehydrating fruit to create chewy strips!
  • Guaranteed to be fresh and organic

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