Getting your garden Autumn ready!
As we head into the depths of Autumn and the weather takes a turn, it can certainly feel like a challenge to get out in the garden, but the work you put in now will pay off in future weeks – and even months! Here are the jobs that are at the top of our to-do list this Autumn to help you prioritise your garden tasks:
1. Veg patch maintenance
Autumn is not only prime harvesting time, but also a crucial time for those veggies still growing too – the increase in wet weather and drop in temperatures make them a haven for pest and disease, not to mention the threat of wind to those taller plants too. Net your leafier greens – such as kale and other cabbage – to protect from pest and pigeons, and stake out the likes of tall-growing Brussel sprouts to give extra support.

2. Believe it or not – get planting!
In order to have a beautiful display of colour in late winter or early spring, you need to put the work in now! Get your bulbs in the ground, our personal favourites are snow drops for a spray of brightness in winter, and crocuses and daffodils to cheer up the borders as we welcome spring.

3. Tidying up your borders
A mundane task to some, but absolutely necessary to keep you borders and pots happy if they’re to bounce back next season; deadheading, pruning and weeding should be on the agenda. It’s also important to clear areas with too many fallen leaves – a handful provides good ground cover for creatures in the garden, but too many can rot and cause issues with your plants! Bring in dahlias and begonias to a cool dry and frost free place for the winter. Check for vine weevil, fat maggot like grubs which eat the tubers.

4. Improving your soil
Whilst the veg plot is pretty empty, now's the time to improve your soil ahead of the next growing season. Add a good layer of compost or animal manures, ready for the worms to do their job and work it through the rest of your patch throughout the winter months. (green manure is growing some plants over winter to dig in in the spring)

5. The last chance to cut the grass
And if we’re graced with a mild and relatively dry few days this autumn, best get the last mow of the lawn in before it’s too late - cutting damp grass can cause damage to your lawn and your mower! Neaten up the garden now, and retire your lawn mower until next spring.
If it needs a trim don’t cut it if it is frosty or too wet and leave it a little longer than summer length, but do cut it if it needs it.

Head on over to our social channels to keep up with the latest goings on in the Irrigatia team’s own gardens!