Summer Gardening Tips
9 flowers you should plant to add colour to your garden this spring & summer
As winter comes to a close, and brighter months are on the horizon, it’s time to think about preparing to inject some colour into your garden. If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to buying bulbs, spring planting and sowing seeds, fortunately for you we know a thing or two about gardening! Check out our list of the top ten flowers you can plant to guarantee a beautiful, bright display:
For instant colour:
- Hyacinths - You may have missed the boat (back in Autumn) to plan our Hyacinth bulbs, but what’s to stop you buying some already bloomed Hyacinths and adding them to your boarders? Not only do they look beautiful, but they smell great too – a treat for all the senses!
- Daffodils - The ultimate marker of the arrival of Spring for many, Daffodils provide a wonderful injection of colour. It may be too late to be planting out Daffodil bulbs, but there are plenty of already-flowering plants available at this time of year which can be easily transplanted into your borders.
- Pansies - Pansies are the winter gardener’s best friend. They’re hardy little flowers, and can withstand even the worst of frosts that may still be to come before Spring is in full swing, so now is the perfect time to get planting to liven up your garden.

Perennials to plant for Spring:
- Anemones - Anemones come in a huge variety of colours and species, but the Japanese Anemone is a particularly hardy variety that can handle being planted out this month. These reliable flowers will flourish and provide long-lasting colour – some can even bloom well into autumn!
- Hardy Geraniums - One of the hardiest flowers on our list are Geraniums; whether you’ve overwintered your plants or you’ve nipped to the garden centre, now is the time to transfer to your borders to be ready to bloom from Spring right through to the end of Summer.
- Lupins - A favourite of many gardeners, Lupins are a fantastic perennial to brighten up any space. Get ahead of the game and get planting to enjoy the wide variety of colours available and instant height they offer to borders this Spring. Plus they’re a great option for those fans of the ‘wild’ garden look as they self-seed easily.

Bulbs to plant now to get ready for Summer:
- Agapanthus - Agapanthus’ are a standout in any garden, and planting them at the start of spring is ideal if you are wanting to have them bloom in your boarders by the Summer. Easy to maintain and not prone to pests, all you need is an Irrigatia system to ensure they’re kept thoroughly watered and happy.
- Alliums - Making for an impressive display in Spring and Summer, the tall stems of Alliums certainly make them stand out among the rest of your plants and creating instant depth in your borders. It’s time to start thinking about getting hold of Allium bulbs and planting them out as soon as possible for an earlier display during the warmer months.
- Lilies - Regardless of species, Lilies are a show-worthy flower and incredibly easy to take care of – making them the ideal summer-flowering bulbs to get planting now! Once they’re in the ground, they need very little attention and will come back year after year – just keep your eye on pets around them as they’re toxic to cats and dogs.